Á WEFTA2018 ráðstevnuni fekst undirtøka fyri, at Fiskivinnuroyndir/Fiskimálaráðið skipar fyri WEFTA2019 ráðstevnuni í Føroyum 14-18. okt. 2019!
WEFTA stendur fyri West European Fishery Technologies’ Association og var fyrstu ferð hildin í 1968.
Ráðstevnan hevur verið hildin á hvørjum ári síðani, og var í Føroyum í 2000. So hetta verður 2. fer, at hon verður í Føroyum.
Hon skal stuðla uppundir, at ungir granskara v.fl. læra at leggja síni úrlit fram.
Ætlanin er at hava ein dag, har vinnan verður boðin við við framløgum, sum kunnu hugsast at hava serligan áhuga hjá vinnuni.
Framløga um ráðstevnuna í FO 14-18. okt. 2019 (løgd fram í Lissabon 18. okt. 2018) sæst við at trústa her.
GG: Sjálvt um ymisk møgulig útferðarmál eru nevnd 18. okt. 2019, so er einki enn avtalað enn við virkini, sum ætlanin er at vitja.
Heimasíðan www.wefta.org
Ráðstevnan 2018 í Lissabon: www.wefta2018.com
Ráðstevnan 2018 í Dublin: www.wefta2017.org
Ráðstevnan 2016 í Split, Croatia: www.wefta2016.com
Rástevnan 2016 í Nantes: https://wwz.ifremer.fr/taft2015 (5th Trans-Atlantic Fisheries Technology conference (45th WEFTA meeting)
Úr lógini/viðtøkunum hjá WEFTA (WEFTA Bylaws Oct. 2016:
1. Aims and activities
The aim of WEFTA (founded in 1970) is to be an important platform in Europe for institutions engaged in fish processing, applied food science, aquaculture, seafood technology, health effects of seafood consumption and consumer studies. WEFTA aims at improving safety and quality of seafood on and from the European and other markets through research within this area. Research activities of the WEFTA institutes are coordinated to the benefit of research institutes, the fishery industry, consumers, stakeholders and governments. WEFTA brings scientists – especially young scientists - together from the various research institutes and encourage them to present their results.
WEFTA holds an annual plenary meeting where research results from both member and non-member institutions are presented. In conjunction with this meeting the Permanent national representatives’ institutions hold a managing meeting – The WEFTA Representatives meeting.
WEFTA also has activities in working groups of which some are permanent and others are on an ad hoc basis.
WEFTA has its homepage at the Internet at the address www.wefta.org. The homepage contains essential information about WEFTA, its history, updated information of WEFTA member institutions, Permanent national representative institutions and contact persons, and programmes for meetings. Other news of interest is also presented
(Meira kemur seinni)